Architecting Exceptional Deals- A Unique New Perspective
We have all seen aerial pictures with a motivational phrase like “Success… the key to success is to learn to do something right, then do it right every time.” There are strong similarities between mastering the game of golf and mastering highly successful...
How to Negotiate in a Virtual World
With the world in quarantine, businesses shutting their doors, and workers doing their jobs from home…how can we move business forward? How can we continue to thrive and even grow? As I speak with CEOs around the country, they tell me there are still important...
Don’t Negotiate Before the Selling is Done
Don’t Negotiate Before the Selling is Done By Joe Hernandez As I sat there in front of the Purchasing Manager of this major technology and communications company, I couldn’t help but wonder how things got so ugly. He was raking me over the coals, trying to intimidate...